Monday, September 30, 2019
Cubic miles
The cost driver I used in the revised exhibit is the cubic miles of snow, because in the case it stated that ââ¬Å". .. The number of hours needed to clear the roadways depended to a great extent on cubic miles of snow. ââ¬Å", which means if there's more snow on the ground, the plow drivers would work extra hours and therefore the department needs to pay more. Thus costs increase. Section AWE Group 3 1 . Apparently the flexible budget is more informative and reasonable. Because it Includes many activities that may increase the total budget cost, Make it adjustable hen there is an extreme weather and requires more plow drivers 2.The public works director's goal was trying to implement the new responsibility accounting system. Yes, I think the new approach is effective because It will give Sam Donaldson the quarterly report, Sam can be aware of the budget difference and make prompt adjustments, Help the department keep the costs within its budget 3. Yes the director should consult S am, for The new director is newly hired and lack certain amount of experience, Sam Donaldson is more experienced and can make appropriate adjustments to keep the costs within the budgets.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Desertification In Sub Sahara Africa Environmental Sciences Essay
Without a uncertainty, Planet Earth is merely the right topographic point for humanity to brood in. Planet Earth is deteriorating due to the issues and jobs cause by humanity and natural catastrophes. Earth faces many jobs day-to-day and the effects are huge toward humanity. Some parts of Earth are worse than others due to the irresponsibleness of population. Sub-Sahara Africa suffers from many jobs like dirt eroding, deforestation, and desertification but Sub-Sahara Africa ââ¬Ës chief issue is desertification. Many parts in Sub-Sahara Africa face monolithic effects of desertification. In Sub-Sahara Africa the society is altering due to desertification and the effects it has on society and furthermore desertification is easy turning and it is a chief job in Africa due to the African tropical conditions and the sloppiness of the people ââ¬Ës work toward the land. Sub-Sahara Africa is one of the chief topographic points where desertification is happening due to the overexploitation of land and irresponsibleness of the population. Using land without superior cognition and good apprehension people cause the land to deteriorates. There are many causes of land desertification in Sub-Sahara Africa and many of them are natural causes. One of the natural causes that root the land to deteriorate is soil eroding. Soil eroding is when the surface soil is take or taken away faster than the forming of dirt can take topographic point ( Welcome to the European Soil Portal ) . Soil eroding happens all around the universe in each twelvemonth. When dirt eroding happens, the good dirts are washed off go forthing merely the bad, difficult dirt left for husbandmans to farm, so without the thin dirt bed, barley anything could turn in it. Soil eroding will take a short clip to destruct first-class dirts where good dirts take highly long clip to do. In Ethiopia abou t one million dozenss of top dirt is lost every twelvemonth where there are soil erodings ( William Von Cotthern ) . The 2nd natural cause of land desertification is draught ; and draft is one of the chief causes of desertification in Africa. Every twelvemonth there are checkerss. ââ¬Å" The Sudano-Sahel part, for case, has experienced unpredictable and terrible drouth, the most recent of which lasted about 20 old ages â⬠( Lilian Ahianga ) . Drought could last a really long clip and when it lasts that long, the society will be in danger. Over 25 states in the continent have faced deficit of nutrient over a decennary ago due to the long lasting of drouth ( Lilian Ahianga ) . Without rain for a really drawn-out clip, land could be tough to farm and afterward the land will be unserviceable for anything. Draught affects a monolithic sum of dry lands and with several drouths each twelvemonth, dry land debasement additions. Factors like the growing of homo and carnal population cou ld besides do desertification ( Lilian Ahianga ) . Land desertifications non merely are they being caused by natural catastrophes but are besides being degrades by humanity. The over utilizing of land is one of the many ways where humanity could do land debasement. Farmers and workers and utilizing land over and over once more without allowing the land remainder and turn back. Farmers non leting grass and land to turn back after animate being grazed on them. Animals maintain on croping on them until they turn brown or ruddy and are no longer able to turn. Colonial scientists blame the African husbandmans and Herders as the cause of the spread of desertification ( Gregory Maddox ) . They overgrazed of land and fire down forest for Savannah. The 2nd job is that there are excessively many people for one little topographic point. There are excessively many people populating on one little topographic point where things are being used every twenty-four hours over and over once more, go forthing the land no clip to turn. Trees and resources do non hold adequate clip to really turn back. Once they are cut, and are renewing, animate beings would come and eat them. The chief ground is that there are more people who cut down trees than those who works them. The populations are cutting down trees faster than trees are able to turn. Peoples did non let the cut trees to turn back alternatively they let the animate beings graze on them. About 30,000 kilometre square per twelvemonth of trees is cut down ( Aldo Bonincontro ) . Destroying trees increases the growing of desertification in Africa. Desertification in Africa causes many jobs for the population ( Jorn Laxen ) . In Sub-Sahara Africa, desertification plays a large function in the population ââ¬Ës poorness. Many people, non merely in Africa, have been affected by Desertification. Desertification has many effects on the universe today, particularly in Africa itself. There are many effects cause by desertification, such as: deceases, diseases and poornesss. Thousands of people die due to famishment. Starvation is the negative result of desertification of land which leads to deaths. Besides people deceasing every month. ââ¬Å" Death in Sub-Sahara Africa leads to the deceases of an estimated 3 million people in the mid-1980s â⬠( P.C Sinha ) . The affects of desertification could do deceases to countless people. Degraded lands are no longer able to supply harvests, nutrient for animate beings, and even firewood for firing. Poverty is besides a chief ground why there is poorness in Africa. Million of people could hold insufficient of nutrient because of the worsening of harvests yield. â⠬Å" The consequence is that Sub-Sahara Africa is the lone part in the universe where nutrient production is stagnating, and hungriness is on the rise â⬠( Jan Baert ) . Hunger and poorness is lifting due to the slow and small production of harvests. Desertification causes farming to decelerate down and bring forth small sum of resources. Since there is small of harvests and resources, the economic system so will raise the monetary values of points such as rice because they are scarce. This will greatly impact the lower category people ( Lilian Ahranga ) . For every job and issue, there are bars and solution. Desertification must be stopped and authoritiess and organisations have been stepping in to assist out. Many methods had already been done to assist set down debasement ; methods such as redressing of flora screen and commanding dirt eroding. ââ¬Å" The job appears to be a deficiency of cognition and likely besides the economic restraints that prevent the optimal use of these valuable resources â⬠( Jorn Laxen ) . One the best manner to forestall desertification is merely instruction. The authorities and organisation should give some kind of instruction the population, particularly husbandmans. Teaching them how to farm and to utilize the land decently in the right manner where land will non be destroyed ; is one of the chief bar of land debasement. The 2nd manner to forestall land debasement is to protect the environmental resources that are available to them. If they use it heedlessly and destroyed them wholly, they will h old a difficult clip turning back, and besides it will take them a drawn-out clip to turn. ââ¬Å" Adopt sustainable land-use policies and sustainable direction of H2O resources â⬠( P.C Sinha ) . Bing able to keep the dirt birthrate decently is besides helpful. In 2005 the World Bank and NEPAD launched the TerrAfrica by mobilising alliances, cognition and raising money for Africa ( Jan Baert ) . Alan Paton, the writer of Cry, the Beloved Country, used desertification as an influence to compose Cry, the Beloved Country. The writer chooses to utilize desertification as one of the chief job to why people moved from countryside to the metropolis. In chapter one of Cry, the darling Country, Paton compared the good land with the debauched land. ââ¬Å" Where you stand the grass is rich and matted, you can non see the dirt. But the rich green hills break downaÃâ à ¦ for they grow ruddy and bared ; they can non keep the rain and mist, and the watercourses are dry in the kloofs.Too many cowss feed upon the grass, and excessively many fires have burned it â⬠( 33 ) . The book started out speaking about the job of the land as a symbolism that it will effects on the characters in the book. All the immature work forces and strong misss left the topographic point to travel to the metropolis to look for work because the land could give them nil. ââ¬Å" The work forces are off, the immature work forces and the misss are off. The dirt can non maintain them any more â⬠( 34 ) . Boys and misss left the topographic point because of the debauched land. And because of the motions from state side to the metropolis, the metropolis could non keep all of them. That was one of the jobs in the society that clip, there were more people in the metropolis than the state side. Most of them have to populate on the streets. And that is why there were so many black mineworkers in the metropolis. In chapter 30 the land is still in desolation. There were no rains for the land and for farming. Paton stated, ââ¬Å" aÃâ à ¦the dirt is ill about beyond healingaÃâ à ¦they can non plow or works, and there will be hunger in this vale â⬠( 253 ) . The debauched land awfully effects the society. It seems like it is impossible to retrieve to its standard signifier. If the land can non be healed, the society as good can non be healed. Equally long as the land stays the manner they are now, the society can non travel on. Thingss will ne'er remain the same as they are if difficult plants are putted in. In chapter 32 there was hope at last for the land and for the society at that place, rain eventually came. ââ¬Å" But it was this for which all work forces were waiting, the rain at last â⬠( 277 ) . Rain eventually came, and there was hope. Hope could merely be at that place if the people really cognize how to farm and take attention of the land. Desertification happens due to the natural causes like dirt eroding and draft, but largely due to the cause by humanity. Desertification can be prevented if instructions and larning are spread to the population. Teach the population how to farm and how to carefully utilize the resources is the first measure to forestalling land debasement. The society will be in a better form and healthier conditions if the environments are clean and good taken cared of. Take attention of the environments and in return the environments will take attention of you. Citations: ââ¬Å" AfricaNews ââ¬â Africa: Desertification Threatens Livelihoods ââ¬â Articles. â⬠ ââ¬â Sharing Positions on Africa. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Aluanga, Lilian. ââ¬Å" AFRICA: Human-centered Catastrophe Feared As Desertification Spreads. â⬠Online-Lab | International Institute for Journalism | InWent. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Bonincontro, Aldo. ââ¬Å" Desertification in Africa ââ¬â by Aldo Bonincontro ââ¬â Helium. â⬠Helium ââ¬â Where Knowledge Rules. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Mabogurije, Akin L. ââ¬Å" The Environmental Challenges In Sub Saharan Africa. â⬠MIT. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Maddox, Gregory. ââ¬Å" Sub-saharan Africa: an Environmentalâ⬠¦ â⬠Google Books. Web.22.2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // id=JFSSMeNTAVkC & A ; printsec=frontcover & A ; dq=Sub-Saharan Africa: an environmental history by Gregory Maddox & A ; beginning & gt ; . Laxen, Jorn. ââ¬Å" Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands in Sub-Saharan Africa. â⬠European Tropical Forest Research Network. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Sinha, P.c. â⬠Desertification. ââ¬Å" GoogleBooks.Web.22Feb.2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // /books? id=jZb2Qq9cEz0C & A ; printsec=frontcover & A ; dq=P.C Sinha & A ; hl=en & A ; ei=FY5jTanPDYG8ceDn4dwJ & A ; sa=X & A ; oi=book_result & A ; ct=result & A ; resnum=3 & A ; ved=0CDIQ6AEwAg # v=onepage & A ; q & A ; f=false & gt ; . ââ¬Å" Sub-Saharan Africa News ( SciDev.Net ) | DESERTIFICATION. â⬠DESERTIFICATION | All about Drought, Desertification and Poverty in the Drylands. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Anthropology kinship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Anthropology kinship - Essay Example The topic is about the kinship and bonds formed between foreign students of the same ethnicity or background that met at university in the united states. I wanted to talk about how foreign students from the same country or ethnicity have the tendency to immediately form their own group of people due to ethnicity and kinship.Culture and Classification. One of the goals of social anthropology is to acquire gain an understanding of how and why human beings interact with each other and with their environment. And Kinship is what deals with interaction oh humans with each other. One important idea that contributes to this understanding of kinship is what anthropologists term as culture. One of the many ways that anthropologists use culture is to refer to systems of shared ideas among a group of people.By system we mean that there is some similarity or regularity to the way that ideas, and concepts are shared. There are various possible ways this sharing could happen.The same language, spi rituality or religious belief can be a system that connects two minds. KINSHIP The study of kinship is the greatest common denominator across the various parts of social anthropology. Kinship was one of the first fields where anthropologists discovered social structure and logical patterns The unparalleled pioneer in the field of kinship studies was the 19th century American anthropologist, Lewis Henry Morgan; later, French structuralists and British structural functionalist carried on the tradition. Kinship brought about opportunities to map cultural variation within a relatively well-bounded empirical field, and hence, it was a perfect point for making comparative conclusions. In societies which are egalitarian, kinship often works as a kind of universal institution, which organizes everything from economy to religion. Before embarking upon a discussion on "why kinship and bonds are formed between foreign students of the same ethnicity or background that met at university in the United States. " , lets revise the definitions of ethnic group, ethnicity, nationalism. Ethnicity "Ethnicity seems to be a new term", state Nathan Glazer and Daniel Moynihan (1975: 1).Both of them also pointed to the fact that the term appeared in dictionary for the first time in 1972 in Oxford English Dictionary. In 1953,American sociologist David Riesman,first used this word. The word "ethnic" is much older. Derived from the Greek ethnos (which in turn derived from the word ethnikos), "ethnic" which originally meant heathen or pagan (R. Williams, 1976: 119). But from mid 19th century, it gradually began to be associated with "racial" characteristics. It was around Second World War, that the United States started using the word as a polite term to refer to Jews Italians, Irish and other people considered inferior to the dominant group of largely British descent. While, in everyday language, "ethnicity" carries a meaning of " minority issues" and "race relations", but in social anthropology, "ethnicity"means aspects of relationships between groups which consider themselves, and are regarded by others, as being culturally distinctive. While,it is true that "the discourse concerning ethnicity tends to concern itself with subnational units, or minorities of some kind or another" (Chapman et al., 1989: 17),majorities are no less"ethnic " than minorities. In the United States, "ethnics" came to be used around the Second World War as a polite term referring to Jews, Italians, Irish and other people considered inferior to the dominant group of largely British descent. None of the founding fathers of sociology and social anthropology - with the partial exception of Max Weber - granted ethnicity much attention. WHY FOREIGN STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY IN AMERICA MINGLE Ethnic groups tend to possess myths of common origin, and they nearly always have ideologies promoting endogamy(marrying within the same social group,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Proposal - Essay Example We are well geared to meet the Safety and Liability requirements mentioned under Service Expectations and Freight Characteristics. We currently have a company policy manual, a copy of which has already been provided to Plymouth Weyerhaeuser. This covers all safety aspects that are expected by Plymouth Weyerhaeuser. The final copy is under revision and will be printed and distributed among our employees. The following requirements mentioned in the RFP will be met: 1. We will have a satisfactory DOT rating or a plan to get there conditional rating back within an agreed upon time frame. Copy of satisfactory rating certificate attached in bid package response. 2. We have a formal safety program and provide documentation indicating safety program content and that administration of such program is regular, ongoing and participated in by all on site personnel. 3. All yard trucks DOT certified which includes passing an annual DOT inspection. 4. Insurance Requirements of $100,000 product liability, $2 million general liability will be met with Weyerhaeuser named as additional insured. Insurance provider will have a B+ rating or higher. 5. Workers Compensation coverage for drivers and on-site persons ($500,000 minimum per accident).
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Nuclear generators Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nuclear generators - Term Paper Example The steam is then used to power the turbines that generate power. In nuclear generators, the fuel comes from nuclear fission, which is essentially the breakdown of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two smaller and lighter nuclei. The primary fuel in nuclear generators is uranium, either enriched, in its natural state, or in combination with plutonium. ... This is true for so-called reactors that are based on light-water designs, and the table below details the different types of decay, emitted radiation, and the associated charge, mass and energy (National Academy of Sciences): Table Source: National Academy of Sciences Decay Process Radiation Emitted Mass (amu) Electrical Charge Typical Energy (MeV) Alpha Emission Alpha particle (?) 4 +2 4ââ¬â9 Beta Emission Beta particle () 0.0005 ?1 0ââ¬â3 Positron Emission Positron (?+) 0.0005 +1 0ââ¬â3 à Two gamma-rays (?) 0 0 0.51 Electron Capture Characteristic x-ray 0 0 0ââ¬â0.1 Internal Transition Gamma-ray (?) 0 0 0.1ââ¬â3 Internal Conversion Converted electron (e?) 0.0005 ?1 0.1ââ¬â1 à Characteristic x-ray 0 0 0.0ââ¬â1 Neutron Emission Neutron (n) 1 0 0ââ¬â14 Spontaneous Fission (e.g., Cf-252) Fission products and other radiations ââ¬â ââ¬â ?200 Table Source: National Academy of Sciences As earlier discussed, power is generated in nuclear power generators/reactors largely through fission, and largely through the use of two types of radioactive fuels, namely uranium and plutonium, either alone or in combination. The plot below provides what are called yield curves for two fuel types, uranium-235 and plutonium 239, as a function of the mass number (National Academy of Sciences; World Nuclear Association; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): Graph Source: National Academy of Sciences/CPSMA Fission yields are related to the amount of the element that is generated for every fission reaction that occurs. The yield curve that is generated is basically the same for every kind of known fission reaction, and so the plot above is universalizable and replicable,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What is the benefit to join the army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What is the benefit to join the army - Essay Example Human beings need to meet their safety needs. In effect, the assurance that the Army meets their healthcare needs inevitably makes them meet their social needs according to Maslowââ¬â¢s hierarchy of needs. In this regard, not only does the Army provide healthcare to its personnel but also caters for the healthcare needs of their immediate family members. Education: The ROTC program is enough evidence that there are chances in the Army to further education. In this regard, individuals should not worry that their chances of pursuing further education end after joining the Army once they completed college. In this case, members of the US military are eligible to join any education program with full tuition coverage met by the Army. Vacation and Travel: We all need time to travel and unwind once in awhile. The Army provides individuals serving thirty days leave every year. Thus, individuals will get a chance to travel and go for vacation around the world. College Loan Repayment: Some studies indicate that a majority of Americans spend a lot of time working to repay their education loans. However, the Army pays loans up to $65,000. Retirement Benefits: We all want to retire peacefully and have earnings that will sustain us through the rest of our life. The Army provides a beautiful retirement package to thank individuals for service as they integrate themselves in civilian life. This section outlines the overheads acetates that we will use to capture the attention of the program attendants in order to capture their attention. Prerequisites for admission to any ROTC program according to Go Army: It is only fair to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program by getting feedback from the audience. In this regard, the best method to use will be the method that Campbell and Stanley called the One-Shot Case Study (ac cited in Seel, 2011). In effect, we will focus on assessment and evaluation of some levels such as
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Madonna of the Meadows and Madonna of the Long Neck Essay
Madonna of the Meadows and Madonna of the Long Neck - Essay Example Raphaelââ¬â¢s painting shows the Madonna as a softly rounded woman with soft blonde hair gathered into a soft bun out of the viewerââ¬â¢s angle of vision. She is delicately bent over her son who is depicted as a plump and somewhat strangely proportioned infant just on the verge of walking. He is reaching out for a wooden pole suggestive of a cross held by a slightly older St. John. This entire scene is seen over the backdrop of a very green landscape that stretches far back into the distance with a large lake and mountains visible far into the horizon. Parmigianinoââ¬â¢s painting also depicts the Madonna tenderly holding the infant baby Jesus. She is tall and columnar as she looks down on an elongated infant who seems on the verge of falling out of her lap. She perches on a pedestal backed on one side by a rich red velvet curtain while a large grouping of angels gathers around her on this side to look adoringly at the baby. One of these angels is carrying a vase or urn that has a mirrorlike finish to it. It is positioned in such a way that it would throw a reflection back at the baby Jesus and may be the reason the baby was startled as the vase also has an etched cross on its surface. On the other side of the Madonna is a kind of landscape scene that is mostly a cloudscape. The visible sky is full of storm clouds with just a hint of blue on the horizon. There is also a tall Roman style column and the figure of St. Jerome. There are a number of ways that the two paintings are similar. They are both concerned with the relationship between Jesusââ¬â¢ birth and his eventual death as well as the presence of his mother in both of these events.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Role of Soft Law in Contemporary International Law-Making Essay
The Role of Soft Law in Contemporary International Law-Making - Essay Example Treaty represents an agreement concluded by different countries and enforced by action. Soft Law is formed according to the stateââ¬â¢s experience and pays much attention to the sense of obligation. Soft law in its turn represents the third source that appeared not very long ago. The top priority of this law is the protection of human rights, environmental protection, and preservation of ethical principles. It is essential to note, that contemporary international legislation is both treaty and soft and both sources efficiently function, resolve international controversies and regulate the relations between countries. Studying the literature in order to prepare the investigation it is possible to make a conclusion that the 20th century is characterized by essential development of the international legislation, and notwithstanding those treaties now is the main source, it is possible to say that both ethical principles and treaty are really efficient, can work together, and in addition, treaties can help create new principles in international legislation. It is still not known, what source is more efficient, but it is quite clear that treaty canââ¬â¢t and should not be more reliable that ethical principles which were generated by the society and accepted by it Studying the literature on the topic, one can I believe, that treaty, customary and soft law should function together and the choice depends on the case. Both soft and treaty law are very efficient in regulating international. Thus, taking into account that different sources of international law usually work together and are not taken separately, sometimes it is not possible to decide what source is more efficient. Therefore, the thorough investigation of the sources will be implemented in the given study.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
PAPER ABOUT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR TOPIC Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
ABOUT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR TOPIC - Term Paper Example In this book, McLean and Elkind investigate deeper about the Enron scandal and the fascinating people behind it. In trying to understand the concept of Organization behavior, this book becomes vital and especially the understanding the factors that lead to the fall of Enron. First of all, letââ¬â¢s define and understand the concept of organization behavior (McLean & Elkind, 15). Organization behavior Organizational behavior is a field of study that focuses on the impact an individual, group and structures have on behavior within a firm. These behaviors are applied towards improving the effective development of an organization. Organization behavior is an interdisciplinary field that comprise of communication, psychology, sociology and management. In addition, it complements human resource and organizational theory. The increasing global competition has ensured a strong and effective organization behavior in organizations (Duncan, 78). Organizationââ¬â¢s activities of the 21st C entury are basically performed in communication with top management. This is true especially when varieties of views are required during decision making process (Hellriegel and John, 90). Decision making is not subject to the individual perceptions of human resource manager or the general management team; rather it is an outcome of strategic consensus (Duncan, 190). The importance of organization behavior to any organization is inevitable and the main goals and objectives of organization behavior include; attracting new employees and contribution to employee development. In trying to understand the concept of organization behavior, this paper focuses the rise and the fall of Enron Company (Hellriegel and John, 70). The organization behavior model that is discussed in this paper and the book at large is ethical leadership. Therefore, letââ¬â¢s define ethical leadership and then discuss how the concept of ethical leadership-as an organizational model-was revealed in the case of Enr on. Ethical leadership In the recent times, there has been a lot of concern about ethical leadership within the corporate business, not forgetting the numerous scandals at Enron, Parmalat, WorldCom and big Irish banks such as Allied Irish Bank (AIB) and National Irish Bank (NIB (Trevino & Weaver, 77). The problems and devastation that resulted from accounting fraud at the investment company operated by Bernard Madoff will not fade from peopleââ¬â¢s memory, nor will the frauds from Enron be forgotten. This has threatened the position of senior management in the respective companies and has also put the financial survival of these companies in jeopardy (Hellriegel and John, 165). Before discussing what motivated the unethical behaviors as witnessed in Enron, let focus on the firm itself. ENRONââ¬â¢S BACKGROUND Enron was formed in the year 1986 following the merger of natural gas pipeline companies Intermorth and Houston Natural Gas (Fox, 12). Fifteen years later after the format ion, the company had diversified to produce products and services related to electricity, natural gas and communications (Fox, 15). By the time Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection was being implemented in 2nd December 2001, Enron operations included the transportation of natural gas through pipelines, transmission and distribution of electricity, development and operations of power plants that generates energy, and delivery and management of energy capabilities and commodities to
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Romeo and Juliet essay Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet essay Essay Marco has shown him whose boss and Eddie does not like it. This scene is also left in the audience because the curtain then closes, so this is the picture put into their heads last. A Scene of triumph, a scene of warning, it says dont mess with me, or my brother! Because I will always win. Millers stage directions are also very important here. This is why A View from the Bridge is a play and not a book. The audience need to see Marcos face of warning and Eddies grin vanish as he realises whats just happened. This would not be written effectively enough for the audience to understand this is such a dramatic action in the play. Because to a reader this seems like another game, like there still getting a long fine. But the stage directions his chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head. These stage directions show that this is no longer a fun family game, but a competition and a threat. We open again; Alfieri makes the audience aware that Rodolfo and Catherine are alone, for the first time. In this scene we can clearly see that Eddie has got to her he has Catherine anxious and scared that Rodolfo might only want his papers. She starts by questioning him, whether or not he would be willing to relocate back to Italy if the circumstances allow it. Suppose I want to live in Italy. Rodolfo thinks that Catherine is joking as he says you going to marry somebody rich? Then Catherine quickly shows him she is not joking No I mean live there- you and me (His smile vanishing) Rodolfo becomes disappointed in Catherine as she is taking Eddies words to heart. Thy continue their conversation and Catherine brings up the real problem, Im afraid of Eddie here. Rodolfo is so angry not at Catherine, but Eddies poisonous words that have corrupted his loves mouth. He gets angry you think I would carry on my back the rest of my days a women I didnt love just to be an American? this rhetorical question hives effect to the sentence. It leaves Catherine with no choice but to say no and to agree. And unwisely this leads to a large fall in Eddies status. Theres nobody here now, come inside. ( He leads her towards the bedroom) At this point Eddie appears and he is drunk. Already the audience can see that this is a recipe for disaster. Catherine and Rodolfo are in the bedroom, and Eddie is drunk, so not quite able to control himself. When he sees Rodolfo and Catherine come out of the bedroom, he is angry. As any father would be if in his situation, but Eddie is angry for a different reason, he is jealous of Rodolfo. Pack it up. Go ahead. Get your stuff and get outa here. When Catherine makes a move to go with Rodolfo, Eddie is angry and takes what he wants. He doesnt ask, he just takes it. (He reaches out suddenly, draws her to him, and as she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth. This disgusting and selfish move from Eddie only causes more problems. He has just forced the girl he raised like a daughter to kiss him. It is at this point we as the audience truly learn of Eddies true desires. Then the ironic line follows. Stop that! Have respect for her! Rodolfo is now demanding respect, but for Catherine. After Eddies countless demands that Rodolfo doesnt respect him or Catherine the roles have now reversed and it is Eddie needing told. Then Eddie takes it all as a joke and kisses Rodolfo as well. Eddie has taken it to far by now. And he is almost at a point where he cannot climb back up to the top. You can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole that a word that you gave a way. Eddie had almost reached this point, where a million dollars would be easier to get back than his respect. He snitched on his whole family I want to report something. Illegal immigrants. Two of them. Eddies respect has gone. Theres no way of retrieving it now. His name, his family this is a huge step in the scale, telling on his own family and ruining their lives. In this play Eddie becomes very selfish, I want my name he says this like someone has taken it from him, when he has taken it from himself. You used to be different when he is the one that has clearly changed. Beatrices line IM no different shows us that every one is noticing the change in Eddie now. Is Eddie the victim? No he is not. Eddie is the culprit through and through this play, and now every one knows it. When the immigration officers come, Beatrice knows straight away. Oh, Jesus, Eddie. oh, my God, my God What did you do? Eddie denies it, but everyone knows, Catherine knows, Beatrice knows, Marco knows, Rodolfo knows, even the neighbourhood knows, Eddie Carbone is a traitor to his family. A guy do a thing like that, hows he gonna show his face? And o add insult to injury, Marco points him out in front of every one. That one! I accuse that one! he is too disgusted to use his name, but just points. He killed my children! That one stole the food from my children! Miller uses this line because he is showing the audience this is it. The end. Marco will go back to Italy, to no work and no money to feed his family. Eddie, who once helped, killed his family. Eddie should be humbled, he should be quiet. He has accomplished hat he wanted. But he is still hung over about his name. Only blood is good? Beatrice tries to tell Eddie that Marco comes in peace; he wants this to be over. But Marco is beyond kissing Eddies hand. Ad Eddie is beyond letting him. In both these stubborn mens eyes there is only malice and hatred. Te only way to solve this, is to confront it like a man. Eddie Carbone! shouting his name is almost a challenge, Eddie repeats his name three times, as though confirming that it is HIS name, and he wants it. Maybe hes come to apologize, heh Marco? For what you said to me in front of the whole neighbourhood? Wipin the neighbourhood with my name like a dirty rag! I want my name Marco! his next step has he lunges for Marco looks as though he is going to physically take his name from Marco. When it is irretrievable. But Marco shows his strength again another step in Eddies decline. Animal! You go on your knees to me! The tears are in Eddies eyes. Everyone knows he has taken it too far, even him. But he cannot quit now. He lunges towards Marco as Marco flips the blade and delivers a fatal blow. Eddie has gone. He is not Eddie anymore. He lost himself trying to get what he wanted to most. His inappropriate love for Catherine was his downfall. Mans jealously over powered him and no one could help him come back. He finally gives up on his deathbed he appears as though he is going to tell B of, why did you let this happen then he dies in her arms, with the words My B! He loves B but it is to late now. Alfieris closing statement reminds us of the beginning, Most of the time we settle for half, and I like it better. If Eddie Carbone had settled for his half, Catherine and Rodolfo would have been happily married, Marco would have enough money to go to his family and Eddie and Beatrice would continue to love. Eddie would have respect. But he was greedy; he wanted the whole apple not just a bite. This story does not have a happy ending, as you would expect it to. It leaves us guessing, but Eddies greed incapacitates those around him. The audience is left with no doubt in their minds at what happens next. And they cant help thinking; this is not a story that has never happened before. This tale happens all over the world, men take what the want and give nothing back. And yet, it is better to settle for half, it must be! And so I mourn him- I admit it- with a certain alarm! Abigail Craig-A View From the Bridge Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The success of transformational leadership
The success of transformational leadership Drawing on a critical examination of both theory and empirical research, how can the role of leadership be best understood in organizational change? Key to evolution of an Organization is how well it can adapt to changes be it structural or financial. A good leadership plays a pivotal role in such transitions and will often be the most influential aspect in such changes being implemented successfully. Considering the fact that both Organizational Change and Leadership are very widely defined, for the purpose of the essay I would like to use the following definitions, Leader is a person with vision, energy, authority, and strategic direction ref: (Robert Coffee and Gareth Jones, 2000), Organizational Change is the process of continually renewing an organizations direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers- ref: (Moran and Brightman, 2001). Change is one of challenges an organization can face. It, being a continuous process, dealing successful with it is critical to an organizations success- ref: (Kudray and Kleiner, 1997), and certain management levers, such as, strategy, operations, should be constantly altered for the organization to be aligned with the market place. Having said that, it is also very important to critically identify the needed change within the organization. If a certain change is identified as a pivotal one for the growth of the organization, it is also important to consider how the change will be received by the people who will be a part of it. Resistance in our context is opposing to the change. Resistance is very likely with-in the team when the importance of the change is not know. There are various known reasons for someone to resist the change. Some of which are job insecurity and the fear of losing the power. There are existing theories which say that resistance is good and it is related to the individual identity and organizational values. Despite of being a time consuming process, it is very important to overcome resistance to implement the change successfully. Lewins 3 step model for change, Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze: ref ( Lewin, 1951) is considered to be there mother of all change models. The point here was to have organizations prepare initially to ease the process of the change in order to overcome resistance. It has been argued upon, that this theory might not be holding good for the current day situation, as organizations are constantly changing and they will never be having the opportunity to refreeze or attain the new state of equilibrium. Kotters 8 Step Model, ref: ( Kotter, J , 1995) also talks about implementing a change within the organization but considering the present day needs and situation. This model tries to address the developed resistance in the implementation on the change. An effective leadership will always try and overcome resistance and help successfully implement the change, which need not be a top down approach. For a change to be accepted, Nahvandi (2003), believes that you need to first motivate those in y our guiding collation or transformational leadership team. This, per him, is the best achieved through inspiration of the team, which enables them to enact change. Transformational leadership includes inspiring them with a charm and charisma, challenging the team to solve the problems rather than we doing it ourselves and developing personal relationship with each one of them. A combination of these 3 attributes is the best known vehicle to overcome resistance. ref( Nahvandi, 2003). Transformational leadership is that which à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ facilitates a redefinition of a peoples mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. It is a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents. Hence, transformational leadership must be grounded in moral foundations. ref(Leithwood, as cited in Cashin et al., 2000, p.1) . According to Bass (1990b, p. 21) transformational leadership occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and when they stir employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group. Success of transformational leadership has been demonstrated by studies in diverse settings such as schools, corporations etc. -ref(Bryant, 2003, p. 36).Also there are existing studies to prove the effectiveness of transformational leadership regardless of culture ref:(Perttula Xin,2005) . Per Carlson and Perrewe (1995, p. 834), as a result of transformational leadership, changes in the organizations mission, strategy, and subordinate commitment levels are very likely to emerge. Also, Odom and Green (2003) argue that principles of transformational leadership (i.e., intellectual stimulation, idealized influence) applied to ethical dilemmas faced by managers offers the prospect of less litigation and better ethical outcomes than the more common transactional approach to ethics. Though Transformational Leadership is the latest buzz word, there have been many people in the past who have demonstrated the traits of this form of leadership. For instance, Genghis Khan was a transformational leader who, during the late 12th and early 13th centuries, united fiercely independent Mongol tribes to ultimately create one of the largest land empires ever seen ref(Yates, 2002). Lee Iacocca is a transformational leader who is credited with saving the Chrysler Corporation. He took over Chrysler when it was on the brink of bankruptcy and set about transforming the ideals of his closest subordinates. In turn, that began to reshape the corporations culture. Because a transformational leader encourages others to becomes transformational leaders, soon the entire organization was filled with effective leaders (Kelly, 2003). Within military and government contexts, General Colin Powell overcame entrenched racism (particularly in the US military) and low institutional expectations of African Americans to become chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1989. He went further, becoming in 1991 the first African American to become US Secretary of State, a position some said he filled with vision and the qualities of a transformational leader (Chekwa, 2001). Other transformational leaders include Christine Nixon, the current Police Chief Commissioner in the Australian state of Victoria, who is popularly understood to have transformed the culture of that police force for the good, and Sir Richard Branson, responsible for international Virgin enterprises (Lussier Achua, 2004). These are positive examples of transformational leaders but as critics (e.g., Yukl, 1989) point out, transformational leadership is not without its dark side and other flaws. The morality of transformational leadership has been questioned, especially by libertarians and organizational development consultants (Griffin, 2003). A key criticism is that within it transformational leadership has potential for the abuse of power (Hall, Johnson, Wysocki Kepner, 2002). Leaders here, motivate followers by engaging them to strong beliefs, irrespective of the effects on them .Transformational leaders can exert a very powerful influence over followers, who offer them trust and respect. Some leaders may have narcissistic tendencies, thriving on power and manipulation. Moreover, some followers may have dependent characters and form strong and unfortunate bonds with their leaders: ref- (Stone, Russell and Patterson, 2003, p. 4). Yukl describes this as the dark side of charisma and goes on to note that for every example of a positive transformational leader demonstrating charismatic qualities (e.g., Mohandas [Mahatma] Gandhi), there is an equally negative example (e.g., Charles Manson).-ref: (Yukl, 1989) There is an argument that transformational leadership is facilitative of change because it contributes to organizational improvement, effectiveness and institutional culture (Barnett, McCormick Conners, 2001). An interesting study by Barnett, McCormick and Conners (2001), shows that teachers may in fact be distracted from concentrating on learning-and-teaching by, for example, taking time away from students to be involved in the corporate school initiatives an inspirational, transformational principal expects of them. Ref: (Barnett, McCormick and Conners (2001), a study conducted on 12 schools in New South Wales and Australia) Related Bibliography Robert Coffee and Gareth Jones, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, September-October 2000 Moran, J. W. and Brightman, B. K. (2001) Leading organizational change, Career Development International, 6(2), pp. 111-118. Gary Yukl Journal of Management 1989. Vol. 15, No. 2, 251-289 Bennis, W, (1994), On Becoming a Leader. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN:0-201-40929-1. Lucey, J.J, Why is the failure rate for organization change so high?, Management Services Winter 2008 Evans, M.G. (1970). The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship. Organizational, Behavior and Human Performance. 5, 277-298 House, R.J. (1971). A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16, 321-339. House, R.J., Mitchell, T.R. (1974). Path-goal theory of leadership. Contemporary Business, 3, 81-98. Dansereau, E, Jr., Graen, G., Haga, W.J. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 13. 46-78. Kudray, L and Kleiner, B, Global trends in managing change, Industrial Management; May/Jun 1997; 39, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 18 Lewin, K, Field Theory in Social Science, Harper and Row, 1951. Nahavandi, A. (2006). The art and science of leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hay, Iain, Transformational Leadership: Characteristics and Criticisms# Leithwood, K. Jantzi, D. (2000). The effects of transformational leadership on organizational conditions and student engagement with school. Journal of Educational Administration, 38(2), p. 112. Bass, B.M. (1990b). From transactional to transformational leadership: learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 13, pp. 26-40. Bryant, S.E. (2003). The role of transformational and transactional leadership in creating, sharing and exploiting organizational knowledge. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 9(4), pp. 32-44. Spreitzer, G.M., Perttula, K.H. Xin, K. (2005). Traditionality matters: an examination of the effectiveness of transformational leadership in the United States and Taiwan. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 205-227. Carlson, D.S. Perrewe, P.L. (1995). Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 14(10), pp. 829-839. Odom, L. Green, M.T. (2003). Law and the ethics of transformational leadership. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 24(1/2), pp. 62-69. Yates, M. (2002) Genghis Khan. LeaderValues. Retrieved August 3, 2006 from Kelly, M.L. (2003, January 1). Academic advisers as transformational leaders. The Mentor. Retrieved August 3, 2006, Chekwa, E. (2001, July 12-14). Searching for African American transformational leaders. Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences 4th International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. Manuscript available from the author. Lussier, R.N. Achua, C.F. (2004). Leadership: theory, application, skill development (2nd ed.). Eagan, MN: Thomson-West. Yukl, G.A. (1989). Leadership in Organizations (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Stone, A.G., Russell, R.F., Patterson, K. (2003). Transformational versus servant leadership a difference in leader focus. Servant Leadership Roundtable October 2003. Retrieved August 3, 2006 Hall, J., Johnson, S., Wysocki, A. Kepner, K. (2002). Transformational leadership: the transformation of managers and associates. Retrieved August 3, 2006
Thursday, September 19, 2019
How ICT has Impacted My Life :: ICT Essays
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Importance of Each Decision in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Es
The Importance of Each Decision in The Road Not Taken "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" is a lyrical poem about the decisions that one must make in life. When a man approaches a fork in the road on which he is traveling, he must choose which path to take. The choice that he makes, as with any choices made in life, affects him in a way that "has made all the difference . Thematically, the poem argues that no matter how small a decision is, that decision will affect a person's life forever. "The Road Not Taken" is told as a first-person narrative. The narrator is looking back on the decisions that have affected him. The decision that is illustrated in the poem occurred at a much earlier point in the narrator's life. It would be possible for a reader to be drawn into the poem to such a degree that the reader would become the narrator. Everyone has made decisions, and since it is the purpose of this poem to discuss and address those decisions, it would be easy to look beyond the narrator and see oneself. The word choice used in the poem very effectively portrays the speaker. The language used is very simple, almost as if the narrator is not speaking, but thinking, for the language of thoughts tends to be simple without using words that require a dictionary to define. The simple, almost quiet and seducing tone acts to draw the reader into the poem allowing the reader to become the narrator. Throughout the poem, Frost uses images that could be interpreted as either quite simple and very specific or incredibly involved and extremely general. For example, by interpreting images such as "Two roads... in a yello... ...ming lines do not necessarily contain the same number of syllables. This choice by Frost pulls the reader into the poem, but maintains the thought-like atmosphere as the narrator looks back unto his life at the decisions that he made and their results. In his perhaps best known poem, Frost recognizes something that everyone should realize. The simple picture of a man deciding which path to follow is suddenly changed into a description of life by the mastery of Frost's poetic hand. No matter how small a decision appears to be at the time that it is made, that decision will affect a person's life forever, or as Frost puts it, each and every choice will make "all the difference." Work Cited Frost, Robert. "The Road Not Taken." The North Introduction To Literature. 6th ed. Eds. Carl E.Bain, Jerome Beaty, and J. Paul Hunter. New York: W.W Norton, 1995. 1097.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
competition :: essays research papers fc
Examine the concept of competition. Explain how it works in market economies. In what way is it a crucial part of the business environment? 1000 words In this essay I have analysed the different types of competition and market structures, and linked this to a current world example. Iââ¬â¢ve discussed the neo-classical and dynamic approaches to competition and have studied Michael Porterââ¬â¢s Five Force model. Systemic and structural competitiveness has been mentioned, and market economies are examined including technical and allocative efficiency. I have assessed the relationship between competition and the business environment, and finally given personal views and come to an argued conclusion. Competition is the process by which two or more firms compete in the same market for a larger market share. This rivalry that exists is very beneficial to firms as is leads to increased efficiency and higher output at given cost levels. The amount of competition in a market is measured using concentration ratios (e.g. the five firm concentration ratio). There are two different types of competition which firms may undertake, price competition and non-price competition. In price competition, firms compete on the basis of price, for example by increasing the price of a good or service, the demand will either increase or decrease accordingly depending on its price elasticity of demand. In non-price competition firms compete in less risky forms of competition other than price, such as advertising and branding. Non-price competition exists in imperfect competition (usually oligopolies). Imperfect competition occurs in situations when there are a number of competing firms (with market power), but the market is without some or all features of perfect competition. The three types of imperfect competition are duopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition. Perfect competition on the other hand exists when a market has a large number of small firms, with no one firm influencing price (firms are price takers, not price makers). These firms all sell identical products, with perfect knowledge of the market, which has no barriers to entry. This represents one end of the competition spectrum (see Appendix 1). There are two main views to the concept of competition, the dynamic approach and the static approach (Neo-Classical approach). The first is based on the behaviour of firms and their constant interactions with market structure, which involves change and innovation. The second involves classifying market structure, and the type and amount of competition (mainly on number of firms within the market), to determine the firmââ¬â¢s behaviour.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?
December 8th 1941 ââ¬Å"with confidence in our armed forces ââ¬â we will gain the inevitable triumph ââ¬â so help us godâ⬠was said by Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Congress to engage in war against Japan. Pearl Harborsââ¬â¢ geographical location led to the bombing of Pearl Harbor initiated by Japan. How or why would a country much smaller than Texas attack the United States? Japan had created a sparked conflict with America at Pearl Harbor because of the Embargos, Immigration Quota, and the Expansion of American Navy.In 1939, the United States was worried about Japans advances in China, which led to the U. S placing an embargo to aircraft and aircraft parts (Background Essay & Doc C). With the United States making this move Japan had to make do with what they had (Doc C). In September 1940 Japan signs a treaty with Germany and Italy (Background Essay). Not wanting to fight a war on two fronts, the U. S imposes an embargo on oil shipment to Japan in August 1941 (Backg round Essay & Doc C).In conjunction with the embargo on aircrafts and aircraft parts this had a crippling effect on the economy in Japan. With the loss of aircrafts and aircraft parts, and now the loss of oil Japan had no way of fueling the already dwindling supply of aircrafts to continue to wage war against China. Also, the expansion on the American Navy posed a threat to Japan. July 1940, Congress passes the Naval Expansion Act promising to triple fleet size by 1944 (Doc C).By tripling the size of the Navy in a four year span with the culmination of embargos placed against the Japanese this would leave them vulnerable to a U. S based attack (Doc E). Disseminating the Japanese forces with one fatal blow. Japan must had felt like they had no other recourse but to attack the U. S to save themselves from a future attack. Incidentally speaking, the U. S adopted the Immigration Quota Act denying immigration to Japanese, Indians, and Chinese (Hook).After the adoption of the Immigration Quota Act the Japan Times and Mail posted a response called ââ¬Å"The Senateââ¬â¢s Declaration of War. â⬠To summarize the response the Japanese felt hurt and humiliated (Hook). Which could have left some underlining animosity toward the U. S making the decision to go to war that much easier. In conclusion, Japan has attacked Pearl Harbor because of all the economic difficulties we set towards them. From the Embargo to the Naval Expansion. But as well as these situations occurring Japan just had a little Napoleon Complex.
Inverse Proportion of Physical Fitness and Awareness Program
Although awareness of the importance of physical fitness has increased in the United States, the average level of an Americanâ⬠s fitness has decreased. In short, most everyday citizens are out of shape. This is partially due to the more modern and easier lives that most Americans lead compared to Americans of earlier time periods. If Americans wish to stay in good health, then their daily regiments must be changed. Among adolescents and teenagers, the same numbers are noticeable. Nearly fifty percent of American youth aged twelve through twenty-one are not vigorously active on a regular basis. Only nineteen percent of all high school students are physically active for more than twenty minutes or more, five days a week, mainly in physical education class (Physical Activity and Health: Adolescents and Teenagers, par. 5-8). These numbers are a significant drop from previous studies of earlier decades. When physical fitness reform was stressed in schools during the fifties, the government administered several test to get an exact figure on American childrenâ⬠s level of fitness. The United States office of Education discovered that in one year fifty-six of 108,000 public schools had strengthened their physical education programs. These modifications were noticed. Between 1964 and 1965, 11,000 boys and girls who took the Youth Fitness test had higher mean scores in every event and at all ages than the results recorded from the previous decadeâ⬠s tests (Van Dalen 520-521). Although modern, well-designed school-based interventions directed at increasing physical activity in physical education classes have been shown to be effective, only twenty five percent of high school students enroll in physical education class daily. In 1991, forty-one percent of all high school students enrolled in physical activity. That means that in only ten years, the daily level of physical activity amongst teens has been cut almost in half (Physical Activity and Health: Adolescents and Teens, par. 9-10). Not even the best school based interventions directed at increasing physical activity can actually improve a studentâ⬠s level of fitness if they arenâ⬠t participathing in class to begin with. Over sixty percent of adults do not engage in the recommended amount of activity. In fact, over twenty five percent of American adults are not active at all (Physical Activity and Health: Adults, par. 6-8) Concerning the history of physical fitness awareness, physical activity for better health and well-being has been an important theme throughout much of western hemispherical, American history. Since the beginning of awareness, public health recommendations have evolved greatly. They started with emphasizing vigorous activity for cardio-respiratory fitness. The same recommendations are still given, but now it is thought to be better to include the options of moderate levels of activity for numerous health benefits (Historical Background and Evolution of Physical Activity Recommendations, par. 1-2). One of the first specified fields of medicine in the fitness world was sports medicine. Physicians associated with professional sports teams initially practiced sports medicine, but with interest in amateur sports and physical fitness programs in the 1970â⬠³s and 1980â⬠³s the field grew rapidly. Sports medicine still continues to be a fast-growing division of specified medicine that has to revolutionize the understanding of exercise and the bodyâ⬠s reaction to the stress of exercise (Sports Medicine, par.1) These physicians and doctors are not uncovering these earth-shattering discoveries on their own. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) is very active in fitness research (The Future of Fitness, par. 2). The official government committee to support physical fitness is The Presidentâ⬠s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) is extremely vocal in the education of the public. PCPFS has been fighting its ever-toughening crusade against laziness since the era of President Kennedy, who founded the Council (Van Dalen, p. 520-521). There are also many Internet websites (e.g.,, that provide easily accessible information to the public. Because of groups like ACE and PCFS, the awareness of the benefits to physical fitness are being broadcasted everywhere; it is just a matter of time until every American understands the value of being physically fit. When that time comes, experts say more people will exercise to achieve better health instead of just to improve appearance. Also, exercise will become a vital part of disease management. In the future, adventure workouts such as hiking and mountain climbing will replace traditional treadmill and weight training workout. Sports specific training such as golf and tennis exercises will become more mainstream. It is also said that exercise programs geared towards older adults such as water-based fitness will increase in popularity (The Future of Fitness, par. 3-4, 6-7). Inverse Proportion of Physical Fitness and Awareness Program Although awareness of the importance of physical fitness has increased in the United States, the average level of an Americanâ⬠s fitness has decreased. In short, most everyday citizens are out of shape. This is partially due to the more modern and easier lives that most Americans lead compared to Americans of earlier time periods. If Americans wish to stay in good health, then their daily regiments must be changed. Among adolescents and teenagers, the same numbers are noticeable. Nearly fifty percent of American youth aged twelve through twenty-one are not vigorously active on a regular basis. Only nineteen percent of all high school students are physically active for more than twenty minutes or more, five days a week, mainly in physical education class (Physical Activity and Health: Adolescents and Teenagers, par. 5-8). These numbers are a significant drop from previous studies of earlier decades. When physical fitness reform was stressed in schools during the fifties, the government administered several test to get an exact figure on American childrenâ⬠s level of fitness. The United States office of Education discovered that in one year fifty-six of 108,000 public schools had strengthened their physical education programs. These modifications were noticed. Between 1964 and 1965, 11,000 boys and girls who took the Youth Fitness test had higher mean scores in every event and at all ages than the results recorded from the previous decadeâ⬠s tests (Van Dalen 520-521). Although modern, well-designed school-based interventions directed at increasing physical activity in physical education classes have been shown to be effective, only twenty five percent of high school students enroll in physical education class daily. In 1991, forty-one percent of all high school students enrolled in physical activity. That means that in only ten years, the daily level of physical activity amongst teens has been cut almost in half (Physical Activity and Health: Adolescents and Teens, par. 9-10). Not even the best school based interventions directed at increasing physical activity can actually improve a studentâ⬠s level of fitness if they arenâ⬠t participathing in class to begin with. Over sixty percent of adults do not engage in the recommended amount of activity. In fact, over twenty five percent of American adults are not active at all (Physical Activity and Health: Adults, par. 6-8) Concerning the history of physical fitness awareness, physical activity for better health and well-being has been an important theme throughout much of western hemispherical, American history. Since the beginning of awareness, public health recommendations have evolved greatly. They started with emphasizing vigorous activity for cardio-respiratory fitness. The same recommendations are still given, but now it is thought to be better to include the options of moderate levels of activity for numerous health benefits (Historical Background and Evolution of Physical Activity Recommendations, par. 1-2). One of the first specified fields of medicine in the fitness world was sports medicine. Physicians associated with professional sports teams initially practiced sports medicine, but with interest in amateur sports and physical fitness programs in the 1970â⬠³s and 1980â⬠³s the field grew rapidly. Sports medicine still continues to be a fast-growing division of specified medicine that has to revolutionize the understanding of exercise and the bodyâ⬠s reaction to the stress of exercise (Sports Medicine, par.1) These physicians and doctors are not uncovering these earth-shattering discoveries on their own. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) is very active in fitness research (The Future of Fitness, par. 2). The official government committee to support physical fitness is The Presidentâ⬠s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) is extremely vocal in the education of the public. PCPFS has been fighting its ever-toughening crusade against laziness since the era of President Kennedy, who founded the Council (Van Dalen, p. 520-521). There are also many Internet websites (e.g.,, that provide easily accessible information to the public. Because of groups like ACE and PCFS, the awareness of the benefits to physical fitness are being broadcasted everywhere; it is just a matter of time until every American understands the value of being physically fit. When that time comes, experts say more people will exercise to achieve better health instead of just to improve appearance. Also, exercise will become a vital part of disease management. In the future, adventure workouts such as hiking and mountain climbing will replace traditional treadmill and weight training workout. Sports specific training such as golf and tennis exercises will become more mainstream. It is also said that exercise programs geared towards older adults such as water-based fitness will increase in popularity (The Future of Fitness, par. 3-4, 6-7).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Police Department Roles and Functions Essay
There are many various functions of police agencies. Patron, traffic, juvenile services, intelligence and undercover, and special operations are just some of the various functions of police agencies. There are many differences between the functions of the police agencies and the federal, state, and the local levels. There are reasons of why you need to have various functions and roles of policing in any community. There are a few various functions of police agencies such as patrol, traffic, juvenile services, intelligence and undercover, and special functions. There are many functions of the patrol and consists of protecting the lives of people and their property, repression of criminal and delinquent behavior, identification, apprehension and conviction of offenders, traffic flow, collision reduction, maintenance of order and public safety. Patrol functions are a major part of policing agencies. Traffic functions consist of identifying potential traffic problems and hazards, arresti ng offenders, investigation property damage and personal injury automobile accidents, regulating parking on the streets and municipal buildings (Grant & Terry, 2008). Traffic functions keep the roads safer and make things flow better for traffic. Juvenile services are there to help juvenile offenders go to counseling and counseling for the juvenileââ¬â¢s families. There are also programs that can help juveniles learn about drugs, alcohol, abuse and gangs. There is a program called (D.A.R.E) Drug Abuse Resistance Education. (GREAT) Gang Resistance Education and Training is another program that is used to inform the youth group about the negative impact of gangs. Intelligence and undercover is where officers go and use a different identification so that they can get closer to suspects or fugitive or get evidence (Grant & Terry, 2008). They may have to live in different places and dress as complete different people then who they are so that they canà fit in to the environment they are trying to get close to. The last function is the special operations that consist of S.W.A.T and the canine unit. The S.W.A.T stands for special weapons and tactics and they functions are dealing with high risk law enforcement such as hostage situations and arresting people that are armed and dangerous suspects. The canine unit is having a police dog that helps on searches. Searches could be consisting of drug investigations, tracking and searching for victims or suspects, vehicle searches, and searching of buildings (Grant & Terry, 2008). The police agency functions differ from the federal, state, and local level. The federal has two main functions that split into a few different functions. The Homeland Security and Department of Justice have many functions. The Homeland Security has the Bureau of Customs and Border protection (CBP) and this helps make sure that people and cargo are crossed borders legally and safely. Bureau of Immigration and Custom Enforcement known as (ICE) works with the smuggling of drugs and weapons. It also helps remove illegal immigrants that should not be across the borders. ICE also helps protect and secure federal buildings. FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency and their goal is to help prevent man-made disasters from destroying cities. FEMA also helps after man-made disasters happen with providing food, water, and shelter to the people that have homes that are destroyed or have no stores that have food remaining for them to eat or drink. Department of Justice has a few functions as well that are to help protect on a higher level than the police agencies. Drug Enforcement Administrators (DEA) deal with enforcing laws that pertain to controlled substances. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has many functions. They protect against any kind of terrorist attack against the country, foreign intelligence operations, cyber based attacks, public corruption, and white collar crimes. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) deal with the investigations of the trafficking of illegal firearms. The ATF also enforces federal laws that pertain to federal taxes on alcohol and tobacco (Walker & Katz, 2011). The federal and the police agencies have many differences. The federal have more of a variety of different functions than the police agencies. The state does not have as many functions as the federal but still have functions that make a difference. The State has some functions that the police agencies also have. The State has different kind ofà officers. There are State police and Highway patrol officers that patrol the highways statewide. They also have power to give traffic violations, criminal investigations, and arrest non traffic violators (Walker & Katz, 2011). The police agencies also do a lot of patrol just like the state police. The local levels are a lot like the police agencies. They have municipal officers, county police and they h ave sheriffs that patrol city roads. They attend to more serious crimes that are committed in the city. The local level deals with order maintenance problems and emergency services (Walker & Katz, 2011). The county police have the same functions as the municipal officers but can operate countywide. The sheriffs have more functions than the municipal officers and the county police. The sheriffs have to go to courts and deal with corrections. When it comes to the community all of the policing agencies are very important. There are many functions and roles that help keep a safe community. If there are limited policing agencies in the community it could raise the rate of crime, accidents, and deaths. With having the functions in the communities it helps make the people of the community feel safer knowing that the policing agencies are out patrolling the streets whether it is by foot, bike, car, or horse. Without having the functions of trafficking there would be more accidents on the roads or highways. If the juvenile services the younger generations may not have the resources to learn about awareness programs for drugs, alcohol, and abuse. They may not have the opportunity to change their lives by attending counseling to help better themselves. Without having undercover officers it would be a little harder to catch suspects before they actually commit a crime. Even though not all cities have the canine unit, the canine unit helps search for things that the human nose cannot detect as well as a dog can. The canine unit is a very big help for searches when victims are missing or are searching for drugs. There are many functions and roles for all police agencies no matter how big or how small the agency is. There are many differences between the police agencies and the federal, state, and local level. But there are also some functions that are the same. Without having functions of all the police agencies there would be more crime and accidents within the cities and states. Having as many functions in all the policing agencies makes this place a safer place for everyone. References Walker, S., & Katz, C.M. (2011). The police in America: An introduction (7th ed). Grant, H.B., & Terry, K.J. (2008) Law Enforcement in the 21st Century(2nd ed).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Marks of an Educated Person Essay
Holmes describes a liberal arts education as providing ââ¬Å"an opportunity to steward life more effectively by becoming more fully a human person in the image of God.â⬠(The Idea of a Christian College, Pg. 36.) The liberal arts that include subjects such as language, history, speech, philosophy etc. help in making the student a more complete person. Every student approaches learning with a subjective view based on his or her background, beliefs and opinions. A Christian liberal arts education teaches the Christian how to ââ¬Å"be in this world but not of this worldâ⬠(II Cor. 10:3) It not only addresses the practical aspects of educating for the purpose of career and employment, but it also offers Biblical concepts that help develop the spirit filled and spirit lead life. This adds depth to the liberal arts student that can be applied to the Christianââ¬â¢s witness to the world. The liberal arts education must encompass a broad range of subject matter regardless of the career field. Holmes offer examples such as the healthcare field. Because wellness involves physical as well as mental and emotional and is influenced by such factors as environment and the human spirit, the physician would, according to Holmes benefit from such studies as psychology, sociology in addition to the medical studies. A studentââ¬â¢s depth of understanding is dependent on their concepts of communication and speech. For the student to fully integrate their knowledge base they must have basic communication skills. What does the word mean? The Christian liberal arts college incorporates all of these areas into a comprehensive education plan that not only helps to prepare the student to make positive career choices but it also enables the student to broaden his or her spiritual experience as his life witnesses to the world around him. In a world whose values vacillate with whatever is the popular ideology of the day, a Christian liberal arts program helps the student to build on a foundation anchored by Godââ¬â¢s Word. As previously stated, we are able to be in this world but not ââ¬Å"of this world.ââ¬
Friday, September 13, 2019
Describe the Assessment Form Dr Agile Webside Essay
Describe the Assessment Form Dr Agile Webside - Essay Example Agile assessment. This is an interpretation of the Dr. Agile test results and questionnaire, which explain the relevance of the results in context According to the results of the Dr. Agile analysis, in the practice of ââ¬ËManaging Requirements Using a Backlogââ¬â¢, the team was rated ââ¬Å"Not Suitableâ⬠by 28% in the field of ââ¬ËWelcoming constant changeââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Å"Partially Suitableâ⬠by 60% in the areas of ââ¬ËImportance of Prioritizingââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËRealizing the Evolutionary Nature of Software Developmentââ¬â¢ (Dr. Agile, 2010). These results indicate that the team needs additional work in adjusting to changing circumstances and acclimating themselves to the field of software development and technology. The rapidly expanding technological market brings constant changes to the work environment and employees within this field must be able to adjust to the daily changes that may occur so they will be better able to service their customers. In the remaining field of ââ¬ËManagement Buy-inââ¬â¢, the team was rated as ââ¬Å"Largely Suitableâ⬠by 73% (Dr. Agile, 2010). ... Agile, 2010). These indications mean that the team requires work in these areas before they can successfully adopt these practices into their work scheme. The characteristic of ââ¬ËHandling Stressââ¬â¢ was rated as ââ¬Å"Largely Suitableâ⬠by a margin of 61% and ââ¬ËBuy-in of the Development Teamââ¬â¢ was rated ââ¬Å"Largely Suitableâ⬠by 83% (Dr. Agile, 2010). The ââ¬Å"Group Estimationâ⬠practice achieved a 28%rating of ââ¬Å"Not Suitableâ⬠in the characteristic of ââ¬ËMulti-Disciplined Team Membersââ¬â¢ and the practice of ââ¬Å"Self-Organized Teamsâ⬠received the same rating for the same characteristic (Dr. Agile, 2010). This reveals the necessity for strong supportive training in the area of working collectively to achieve a goal and independent decision-making. In the practice of ââ¬Å"Group Estimationsâ⬠, the team was rated ââ¬Å"Largely Suitableâ⬠by 73% in the characteristic of ââ¬ËManagement Buy-inââ¬â¢ and à ¢â¬Å"Fully Suitableâ⬠by 93% in the characteristics of ââ¬ËTrust between Management and Team Membersââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËDeveloperââ¬â¢s Buy-inââ¬â¢ (Dr. Agile, 2010). They also earned the ââ¬Å"Fully Suitableâ⬠by 93% rating in the characteristic of ââ¬ËDeveloperââ¬â¢s Buy-inââ¬â¢ within the practice of ââ¬Å"Daily Standup Meetingâ⬠and ââ¬ËManagement Buy-inââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËTrust between Management and Team Membersââ¬â¢ within the practice of ââ¬Å"Self-Organized Teamsâ⬠(Dr. Agile, 2010). The characteristics of ââ¬ËManagement Buy-inââ¬â¢ in the practice of ââ¬Å"Daily Standup Meetingâ⬠and ââ¬ËDeveloperââ¬â¢s Buy-inââ¬â¢ in the practice of ââ¬Å"Self-Organized Teamsâ⬠both received the rating of ââ¬Å"Largely Suitableâ⬠by 83% (Dr. Agile, 2010). Overall, the ratings demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the team as a whole and demonstrate which areas need
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Sustainability of the Clients Investments Assignment
Sustainability of the Clients Investments - Assignment Example The company's broad product line is comprised of wall and floor tiles, natural stone, and laminate and solid wood flooring. Toops Tiles also offers underfloor heating, tools, adhesives, grouts, accessories, and cleaning products to complement the major product lines. These additional offerings enable each customer to finish any job involving tile installation. Through this memo, the medium and long term sustainability of Toops Tiles PLC will be assessed through an analysis of its financial statements. I will also provide a SWOT analysis to get a deeper insight on the company's internal performance and external environment. Table 1 shows a two-year comparative report on the Toops Tiles PLC's major accounts. During the fiscal year 2005, the company recorded total sales of 175.64 million compared to the previous years' 159.43 million. It can be noted that the company's revenue ballooned by 10% despite the weak consumer environment in the United Kingdom. Profit before taxes also leaped by 16% to 39, 232 and net income totaled 30, 189. Toops Tiles' resources also expanded by almost 3% which is due to the growth in tangible fixed asset, and short term receivables. The company was able to pay off a huge portion of its debts as evidenced by the 6.15% drop in total liabilities. Toops Tiles' preference for low risk financing is also indicated by the growth in equity by 17.10% (Annual Report 2005). As a minority shareho... As we know, an investor gains in stock investments through capital gains and dividends. Table 2 shows the company's dividend for its common stockholders is escalating throughout the five-year-period of 2001-2005. Dividends increased almost tenfold from 1.00p to 9.50p. This growth in dividend per share indicates company's profitability as it is capable of paying its stockholders from the company's net income and still sustains its operation through its retained earnings. The company's stock price is volatile indicated by periods of ups and downs which indicate the investor's perception of the company's profitability. Toops Tiles PLC has experienced an annual 3.85% slump in stock prices during 2005. However, the five-year-period covered in the analysis indicates a generally positive perception of the company's stocks as price rose by 160%. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Toops Tiles capitalizes on its strong brand equity as it is the largest tile and wood flooring specialist group. The company's operation is also supported by its wide distribution channel which provides accessibility to their customers. This also enables Toops Tiles to cover a larger geographical area. Offering products which complements to their major product line is also a plus as it provides more value to the customers. Weaknesses: The major weakness of the company is its inability to create a better image to its investors like its stockholders. This is mirrored by the drop of the Toops Tiles' stock price amidst its good financial position. The company should consider launching a marketing program which will highlight the company's accomplishments. Another weakness lies in the company's supply chain. Toops Tiles' delivers inventory to its distribution facilities twice in a week.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Japanese Takeaway Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Japanese Takeaway Restaurant - Essay Example In this research study, in order to identify the appropriate outcomes of the research study, both male and female consumers have been selected as a sample population. While conducting the survey, for identifying the key components, which can lead sustained future success for the Japanese takeaway restaurants, Middlesex Street location has been chosen. Moreover, for the survey, a population sample of young respondents falling under the age group of 1-49 such as students, teachers, doctors and working professionals have been duly considered. à Simultaneously, in order to conduct the statistical survey, ââ¬Ërandom samplingââ¬â¢ approach has been chosen for this particular research. In this regard, it can be claimed that ââ¬Ërandom samplingââ¬â¢ approach is one of the efficient statistical survey approaches by which huge figure of data can be gathered within a quick period and also in a cost-effective manner (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). à With the aim of identifying the key components, which can lead towards future success for the Japanese Takeaway Store, overall 10 questions have been framed for the respondents who often consume fast foods. In this regard, the questionnaire was framed in such a manner, wherein, both open ended and close ended questions were selected for identify the behaviors, perceptions, needs, preferences, and opinions of the fast-food customers (Hesse-Biber & et. al., 2010). Ã
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Issues on Graduating With Student Loan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Issues on Graduating With Student Loan - Essay Example The critical issue therefore is: Is it worth graduating from the university with educational expenses funded by student loan? In an article written by Andrew Martin (2012) entitled ââ¬Å"Slowly, as Student Debt Rises, Colleges Confront Costsâ⬠published online in The New York Times, it was revealed that the president of Ohio University, E. Gordon Gee, was cited to state that ââ¬Å"public colleges and universities need to devise a new business model to pay for the costs of education, beyond sticking students with higher tuition and greater debtâ⬠(Martin par. 3). As disclosed, the amounts of student loans have reached a staggering $1 trillion and, in conjunction with economic and financial difficulties, the numbers of borrowers struggling to pay off these debts are just manifesting a parallel rise. Accordingly, ââ¬Å"for the 2009 to 2010 academic year, annual prices for undergraduate tuition, room, and board were estimated to be $12,804 at public institutions and $32,184 at private institutions. Between 1999ââ¬â2000 and 2009ââ¬â10, prices for undergraduate tuition, room, and board at public institutions rose 37 percent, and prices at private institutions rose 25 percent, after adjustment for inflationâ⬠(Dept. of Education, National Center for Education Statistics 1). ... Average debt per bachelorââ¬â¢s degree recipient increased from $10,600 to $12,400â⬠(American Student Assistance par. 4). One strongly agrees with Mr. Geeââ¬â¢s contention that another alternative course of action must be recommended to solve the student debt problem. From his professional perspective, Gee implements a planned apportionment of $1 billion, classified as inefficiently spent funds for potential redirection towards priorities from the Ohio Universityââ¬â¢s $5 billion budget over the next five years. Likewise, he focused on revenue generation activities that include privatization of the campusââ¬â¢ parking and pressing donors for additional funds (Martin). Concurrently, college presidents all over the country are ââ¬Å"looking for other ways to pay for education, stepping up private fund-raising, privatizing services, cutting staff, eliminating departments ââ¬â even saving millions of dollars by standardizing things like expense formsâ⬠(Martin par. 6). Other proposals to solve the student loan crisis were highlighted by Sandra Block and Christine Dugas (2012), whose report entitled ââ¬Å"Five proposals to solve student loan crisisâ⬠, included options such as recommending a bankruptcy reform; implement student loan forgiveness; increase Pell grants; linking federal educational aids to affordability; and by educating the borrowers. From among those noted, one believes that educating the borrowers would address the root cause of the dilemma but would not immediately address and assist in solving the repayment of the current student loan crisis. Is it worth graduating from the university with educational expenses funded by student loan? Looking at the dilemma from the studentsââ¬â¢ points of views, the most plausible solution
Monday, September 9, 2019
Introduction to corporate finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Introduction to corporate finance - Essay Example The essential element of such a relationship exists in the significant correlation between prevailing rates of interests and the past changes in the bond prices which are averaged on a weighted basis. This results in the reflection of the effects on the price levels over longer duration of time. (Irving Fisher) Fisher separation is the foundation to the theory of finance. (Moneyterms) This formed the foundation on which the modern day Present Value theories have been established. Fisher's contribution to the theory of finance with respect to the valuation of shares is based on the basis of future earnings and the present value of the earnings on the shares. This paper analyses the propositions on which the share valuation model advocated by Fisher was based and also the newer models that help mitigating the difficulties faced in the Fisher's Model. Fisher attributed the correlation between the prevailing rates of interest and the past changes in the prices of bonds which are averaged using a weighted index, to a not-so-perfect estimation about the expected inflationary tendencies and the resulting intention of the investor to extrapolate the likely future price level changes in the bonds so that the investor may be able to ad... This is known as 'Fisher effect' and is the model that Fisher advocated for use in the valuation of bonds. But it can be observed that the present day analysts use this proposition not only for bond valuation but also for the stocks. In the case of equities it is the forecast of the sustainable growth rate that replicates the interest rate factor of the bond valuation. The 'forecast growth rate' of stocks is the modern day innovation in the financial theory relating to the share valuation and trading. This stand of Fisher was substantiated by Robert F. Wiese. Wiese stated that "the proper price of any security, whether a stock or a bond, is the sum of all the future income payments discounted at the current rate of interest in order to arrive at the present value" John Burr Williams (1938) further describes this theory by stating, "A stock is worth the present value of its future dividends, with future dividends dependent on future earnings. Value thus depends on the distribution rat e for earnings, which rate is itself determined by the reinvestment needs of the business." Propositions of Fisher's Model of Share Valuation The assessment made by Irving Fisher immediately after the crash in the share prices in the year 1929, described the following attributes as determinants of the share price movements in the market, since the share price in the market is determined largely by the discounted value of future earnings in the form of dividends from the respective stock. According to Fisher basically these attributes contribute to the upward changes in the price levels of stocks: (1) "Because the earnings are continually plowed-back into business instead of being declared as dividends" In this statement
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Business acquisitions are among the most important strategic Essay
Business acquisitions are among the most important strategic investment decisions - Essay Example The location of businesses in other countries, either in the form of greenfield FDIs, crossborder M&As or other forms of direct investment, entails a set of challenges and risks which impact on the business that seeks to gain entry into another country. One of this is the risk associated with currency exchange rates, which will be discussed in the succeeding section of this report. At this point, more attention shall be devoted to discussing the other sources of organisation risk. Economic nationalism. In a report by the Economist Intelligence Unite (Chance, 2006), certain events the author chose to call ââ¬Å"backlashâ⬠after decades of liberalisation and openness to FEI and crossborder M&As (more pronounced against M&As). Recent resurgence in protectionism against FDIs and M&As, for instance, is seen in the attempt to block the acquisition by Lenovo (China) of the personal computer (PC) division of IBM (US), and the takeover bid by Mittal Steel (Netherlands) for Arcelor (Luxembourg). Both of these deals, despite the attempts to prevent them, were consummated. Some deals, however, failed because they were successfully blocked by the local elements: CNOOC (China) of Unocal (US); Dubai Ports World of P&O Steam Navigation Company (UK), and Pepsi (US) of Danone (France). Behind some of these cases is the negative sentiment with which developed countries perceive takeover bids by companies in emerging markets, because of the impression (not necessarily just ified) that these less-developed countries were more prone to undesirable behaviour such as poor standards of governance and less socially responsible behaviour. The shock of seeing Chinese and Asian companies, for instance, take control of prominent brand names, acquire technology, or securing natural resources has prompted a German politician to compare such investors to ââ¬Å"the biblical plague of locustsâ⬠(Chance,
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Muke analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Muke analysis - Essay Example The two of them therefore head west with no money and desperate to make ends meet. Out of anxiety on how to survive, James engages himself with drugs. The book goes on to explain the ins and outs in the drug world and the effects of greed on the main character, James. James showed a great deal of greed among all the characters in the novel. He clearly wanted a lot of things which lead him into making bad decisions. First of all, he involved himself with drugs when things went south for him and Kate. He chose the wrong path of drug dealing since it seemed to him that it could be of much worth than any other job out there that was availed to him. He could not care about endangering himself. In addition to this, James proved his greediness in how he supplied the marijuana to his customers (Dââ¬â¢Souza 18). As much as what he did was all for his coming baby, he still did it with self-indulgence and always made sure he could get more than enough. Another evidence of greed is revealed to us when James and Mason fronted Russell around two pounds when they sold him the drugs. Russell did not say a word about it probably due to his rather long time friendship to them (Dââ¬â¢Souza 97). Also, James always agreed to help out greedy people for example, Darren, whose business collapsed in Thailand. Darren Rudd was in a major mess, that he even went to jail and this made him loose a lot of his assets like his cars, his farm and much more. It is clear that greed drove James into making bad decisions that totally changed his life. He was now in an illegal world that didnââ¬â¢t make anyone close to him feel safe, especially Kate and their
Friday, September 6, 2019
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Essay Example for Free
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Essay Imagine being not able to move your muscles freely everyday, and that process has to coordinate between the brain and the spinal cord to tell the muscles to move. However, when this coordination is challenged and can not convey signals, the results are no muscle movement. At first, muscles in the hands, arms, and legs feel weak. The hands and feet twitch. Speaking and eventually breathing become difficult, and paralysis occurs in the final stages, although thinking and other cognitive functions remain intact. Death usually occurs within five years of the onset of symptoms. This rare, progressive disorder is also known as Lou Gehrigââ¬â¢s disease, after a famous baseball player whose life was cut short by it. What is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? Nowadays, more and more persons are being detected with a condition that is signified as ââ¬Å"Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosisâ⬠. In the history, this neurological situation was signified by several as ââ¬Å"Lou Gehrigââ¬â¢s disorderâ⬠(Hohnsbeen, 2008). Those that suffer from this medical condition endure great complexities. This is essentially because of the fact that the disorder quickly wages war against some nerve cells in the body. These cells are recognized as neurons by medical experts. The neurons that are alluring to the disorder are the ones that are absolutely liable for the control of muscles that are deemed to be voluntary. The muscles in the upper body as well as those in the lower body are influenced. The influenced neurons are situated in the brain as well as the spinal cord and finally die (Hohnsbeen, 2008). In this direction, one will learn the facts adjacent the neurological state of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. When a person is detected with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the advancement of the disorder may be gradual or it may be rapid. It all depends on the general health of the individual, how long they have had the condition previous to diagnosis, plus any other medical circumstances that they may endure from (Phillies, 1995). Seeing that the reason of this severe neurological condition is unidentified, medical experts often have a hard time deciding the speed in which the condition improvements. Nevertheless, it is a fact that it will improve and signs observed will become more demanding to the functionality of the body. Difficulties that engage the muscles of the body that are utilized for different purposes will be experienced (Phillies, 1995). It is not common for the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis sufferer to experience difficulties such as problems in walking, situations in which it is challenging to eat and swallow as suitable, and several may even face severe medical emergencies such as the failure to breathe properly. The cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is not identified, though a significant step toward deciding the cause came in 1993 when scientists found that changes in the gene that generates the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) enzyme were related with some cases (about twenty-percent) of familial Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This enzyme is an influential antioxidant that defends the body from harm caused by superoxide, a toxic free radical produced in the mitochondria (William, 2000). Free radicals are very reactive molecules made by cells during normal metabolism again mostly by the mitochondria. Free radicals can build up and cause harm to both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA and proteins within cells. Proof proposes that inability of defenses against oxidative pressure up-regulates programmed cell death (apoptosis), among several other potential results. Although it is not yet obvious how the SOD1 gene mutation leads to motor neuron degeneration, examiners have theorized that an accumulation of free radicals may consequence from the faulty functioning of this gene. New study, nevertheless, points out that motor neuron death is not probably a consequence of lost or compromised dismutase activity, proposing mutant SOD1 induces toxicity in some other way (William, 2000). Researches engaging transgenic mice have yielded many hypotheses about the role of SOD1 in mutant SOD1 familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Mice lacking the SOD1 gene totally do not usually develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, although they do demonstrate an acceleration of age-associated muscle atrophy (sarcopenia) and a shortened lifespan (Wade, 2001). This points out that the toxic properties of the mutant SOD1 are a consequence of a gain in function rather than a loss of normal function. Additionally, aggregation of proteins has been found to be a common pathological aspect of both familial and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Fascinatingly, in mutant SOD1 mice, totals of mutant SOD1 were discovered only in disordered tissues, and large amounts were detected during motor neuron degeneration. It is observed that whole deposit of mutant SOD1 carries out a role in disturbing cellular functions by harmful mitochondria, proteasomes, protein folding chaperones, or other proteins (Phillies, 1995). Any such trouble, if shown, would lend large credibility to the hypothesis that aggregates are engaged in mutant SOD1 toxicity. Opponents have noted that in humans, SOD1 mutations cause only two-percent or so of general cases and the etiological mechanisms may be different from those liable for the sporadic type of the disorder. To date, the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis SOD1 mice remain the best model of the disorder for preclinical researches but it is expected that more helpful models will be developed (Wade, 2001). There are several signs that are indicated to the situation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In most sufferers, the first sign related with the situation was a weakness in the body. This weakness is generally related with a particular muscle. It may happen in the face. Several have endured from a common weakness in the tongue. It could also happen in other parts of the body, such as the hands or the legs. This is a symptom that the neurons that are liable for motor functions are facing death (Mitsumoto, 2009). In several cases, the weakness will expand to other parts of the body. As the neurons experience death as a consequence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, they are not capable to relay the suitable signals to the brain. As a consequence, the muscles simply do not realize that they are supposed to move in one way or another. Over time, they are employed less and less. Weakness sets in to the muscles, and then they lose their mass. As the neurological situation improvements, other signs will start to happen. Muscle twitching is an ordinary sign. The twitching may be in the type of sore cramps for several, but this is not always the situation. An individual that has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may start to notice that simple tasks engaging the hands may become more challenging. Several may discover that their talking and the capability to use their mouth for eating and swallowing are more complicated. Finally, walking will become problem. Those that are detected with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis will often find that they feel weak and comparatively tired, but they are capable to carry on doing tasks that engage cognitive capability such as concentrating on projects such as reading, memorization and often capable to focus with little to no difficulties at all (Mitsumoto, 2009). Conclusion Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a situation that is deemed to be deadly. Unluckily, there is no treatment for this situation. Once the disorder has started to impact the body, the harm that it produces will extend (Hohnsbeen, 2008). The collapse to the condition is that most of the sufferers that endure it will be influenced with a failure of the respiratory system. The average time span in which this happens is within 3 to 5 years from the onset of the disease. This generally results in death. Nevertheless, there have been several people that have surpassed a lifespan of ten years once diagnosed. If you have currently been examined, keep in mind to work carefully with your physician when it comes to cures. Finding a support group can also show to be extremely helpful when it comes to coping with the progress of the neurological situation.
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